While hovering a Group, you may want to change the Start Position for the Animation. For example, you can animate an Element in Group or Grid Cell from the bottom, which is very popular. To change the Element's Start Position on Group Hover, click on the Start Position link and the From Bottom preset or set properties manually.
While hovering over a Group, you can show an Element growing from the central imaginable Point. You can set the Start Position From the Point for an Element on Group Hover. Click on the Animation On section's Start Position link in the Property Panel. Please select one of the From Point Preset, and fine-tune its Properties if needed.
Hovering over a Group, an Element can grow with the additional effects. You can use the Fade and Grow Preset to show an Element growing with fading simultaneously. You can choose the Fade and Grow Start Position Preset in the Animation On Start Position section of the Property Panel.
Turning and growing while hovering over a Group is an interesting behavior, which has become more popular in site animations. You can specify the Turn and Grow for an Element while having a Group in which it is placed. You can pick the Turn and Grow Effect for the Start Position on the Start Position section of the Property Panel.