How to Use Icons In Web Design

Icons are small vector or raster images illustrating and explaining your text ideas. They improve the design of your web pages. You can choose from the library of 1’000’000+ icons or upload your own icon.
How to Use Icons In Web Design

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Learn How Icon Elements Affect The Main Content View

Design icons are a part of media elements that create a unique design of your layout. The icon element is a specific element that, similar to an image element, contains uploaded image and optional text input with the icon name which is integrated into your web layout. Your users should read icon element and immediately react with action like using the icon as a link itself or as a link to the page with a link section. See how using color can add specific information and set the necessary user experience. The icons are content elements that represent a certain action button or reflect the content of the landing page, for example, product image, submit button, free files content, class name & phone number, or video embed file list with given time.

Step 1 to create a button element icon should be the understanding of the reason for this component, step 2 is using the list element guide or you can upload your own desired file to represent the product or service. Element settings provide element icon size color, overall icon color, font & text of the element, and button element icon size. Our color picker is very responsive and can help you add an icon color and see how it will be reflected immediately. Drag and drop your element that contains icons onto the layout to see how its icon component correlates with other icons. Add icons using color types presented to stress the video or product name, text form element, video file types, or the time indicator.

Create template element for the product that includes product variant, or color palette, product price, and product quantity with relevant icon element to quickly copy standard content to pages. All available icons action elements are presented in the list of elements we provide and you can see how they are used in our help center and video tutorials. The browser support guide is not required as our icons code adapts to all browsers and devices. All web templates used as the elements can be used elsewhere free, so read their descriptions and add an element you wish after familiarization with terms of service.